Redcliffe College is a theological college based in Gloucester, United Kingdom, specialising in training men, women and families from around the world for Christian mission anywhere in the world. It is international and interdenominational, and is a member of the Evangelical Alliance, Global Connections and European Evangelical Accrediting Association.
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Redcliffe College began on April 5, 1892 as the YWCA Testing and Training Home.[1] Originally based at 495 Kings Road, Chelsea, in 1896 497 Kings Road was purchased and a door was made between the two houses. Redcliffe was the first institution to provide missionary service training for women. In 1917 the College moved to 66 Redcliffe Gardens, Kensington. In 1931 the College moved again to 66 Grove Park Road, Chiswick where it remained until 1995. During the Second World War the War Office took over the College for use by the Women's Auxiliary Air Force while the students moved to Lancashire, Upper Norwood and Feering. They returned to Chiswick in 1944. In 1984 the College went co-ed, allowing men as well as women to enroll. In 1995 the College relocated to its current site in Gloucester.
Redcliffe's courses are based on an integrated training approach involving the principles of deepening knowledge and developing character and skills.[2] Its courses bring together: Academic study, taught by lecturers with first-hand mission experience; Personal growth, developed through the Personal Development Programme which is concerned with students' well-being before God, and through living in an international, cross-cultural community; Practical experience, through placements (both weekly and in a block of 6 weeks).
Rob Hay (MA, MIOD) - Principal
Rev Dr Colin Bulley (PhD, BD, BA) - Academic Dean and Vice Principal (Academic)
Dr Rob Cook (PhD, MTh, BA, BA) - Head of Theology
Tim Davy (MA, BSc, DipTheo, CELTA (TEFL)) - Lecturer in Biblical Studies & Mission; Director of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Mission
Margaret Duggan (MA, M.Ed (TESOL), B.Ed) - Lecturer in Spirituality and Mission
Rev Dr Darrell Jackson (Th.D. (Missiology), BA, DipPastoral Studies) - Director of Nova Research Centre and Lecturer in European Studies
Richard Johnson (MA (Cantab), MA) - Visiting Lecturer in Biblical Studies
Andrew Kingston-Smith (MA, LLB, Cert Couns, DipHE) - Lecturer in Mission
Dr Hugh Kemp (PhD, MTh, BTh) - Head of Mission Studies
Loun-Ling Tan (LLB, MTS) - Lecturer in Asian and Mission Studies
Each course at Redcliffe comprises a range of modules including topics in biblical, theological, cross-cultural and mission studies. Current courses available include:
Undergraduate courses
Certificate in Applied Theology in Intercultural Contexts
Diploma in Applied Theology
BA Hons Degree in Applied Theology
Professionals in Mission Certificate
Postgraduate courses
Postgraduate MA in Global Issues in Contemporary Mission
Postgraduate MA in Intercultural Studies in Asian Contexts
Postgraduate MA in Global Leadership in Intercultural Contexts
Postgraduate MA in Bible and Mission
Postgraduate MA in European Mission and Intercultural Christianity
Postgraduate MA in Member Care
Postgraduate MA in Sport and Christian Outreach in conjunction with the University of Gloucestershire
Flexible Learning Mode MA - Distance learning & summer school option
Short courses
'Across the Cultures' short course (12 weeks)
'Pick and Mix' short courses (from 6 weeks)
Day Courses
Greek Week intensive course
Hebrew Week intensive course (with beginner and intermediate tracks)
University Accreditation
All of Redcliffe's courses (except short course options) are validated by the University of Gloucestershire.
All undergraduate students take part in a weekly placement programme. Examples of placements include church and youth work, hospital or industrial chaplaincy or helping in a local school or night shelter for homeless people. Students taking the Certificate, Diploma or Degree also spend a term (6 weeks) on placement in the UK or overseas. Recent placements have included working with orphaned children in Romania, helping with a development project in Namibia and teaching English in Cambodia, as well as working in UK churches.
Worth Keeping: Global Perspectives on Best Practice in Missionary Retention by Rob Hay, Valerie Lim, Detlef Blöcher, Jaap Ketelaar and Sarah Hay.
The Soul of Mission: Perspectives on Christian Leadership, Spirituality and Mission in East Asia edited by Kang-San Tan.
IVP Dictionary of Mission Theology: Evangelical Foundations edited by John Corrie.
Discovering Genesis by Richard and Tricia Johnson.
The Priesthood of Some Believers: Developments from the General to the Special Priesthood in the Christian Literature of the First Three Centuries by Colin Bulley.
Postmission: World Mission by a Postmodern Generation edited by Richard Tiplady.
Friendship Matters by Darrell Jackson and David Spriggs.
Mapping Migration: Mapping Churches' Responses - Europe Study by Darrell Jackson and Alessia Passarelli.
'Pax Europa: Crux Europa' by Darrell Jackson in Mission and the Next Christendom edited by Timothy Yates.
'Missional Church – European Perspectives' by Darrell Jackson in Come Holy Spirit, Heal and Reconcile! edited by Jacques Matthey.
'Mapping European Contextual Morality and Identity' by Darrell Jackson in Mapping Baptistic Identity: Towards an understanding of European Baptist Identity edited by Rolin Grams & Parush Parushev.
Steppe by Step: Mongolia's Christians - from Ancient Roots to Vibrant Young Church by Hugh P. Kemp. Monarch Books, 2000. ISBN 978-1854244840.
OSCAR - the UK Information Service for World Mission
Nova Research Centre - researching mission in Europe, innovating mission for Europe
Centre for the Study of Bible and Mission
Generating Change - dedicated to researching issues in mission and helping mission organisations affect change
Encounters Mission Ezine - a topical mission journal published online every three months
Breadline International, Christians in Gloucester (Ciglos), Church Mission Society (CMS), Domboshawa Theological College (Zimbabwe), European Christian Mission (ECM), European Evangelical Accrediting Association (EEAA), Evangelical Alliance UK (EAUK), Generating Change, Global Connections - The Evangelical Network for World Mission, The John Ray Initiative (JRI), Latin Link, The Micah Network, Mission Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Operation Mobilisation (OM), OMF International, OSCAR, - The UK Information Service for World Mission, RURCON - Rural and Urban Resources; Counselling, Outreach & Networking, St Andrews Bookshop, Talent Trust Consultants, University of Gloucestershire, The Welcome Project, Wycliffe Bible Translators